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Self check-in kiosk

Welcome your guests with the contactless seamless check-in on the smooth kiosk. No more lines or administrative work with hotel self check-in.

Contactless Check-In reduces front-desk work by


and boosts guests satisfaction by eliminating lines.

Who is our product intended for?




Self Checkin Kiosk is designed to take less space than reception desk. Kiosk is used in hostels, rental spaces for students and hotels who speed up their checkin process with additional option.

What the kiosk offers

Kiosk can handle nearly any task that does not require assistance from a human. It can also house any hotel information that might otherwise be printed in a guestbook or posted on signage.

Guests can complete the entire check-in process in about a minute!

The kiosk can handle the entire check-in process, including finding the guest’s reservation, collecting a payment method, and creating room keys that are compatible with door locks.

We can integrate document scanners that can record a copy of a passport or ID card too and verify the identity of the person next to it.

Kiosk handle registration forms and credit card processing meaning that the system can also reduce chargebacks and prevent fraud.

Check-out: Rather than printing folios for every guest and sliding them under guestroom doors on the morning of check-out, you can let guests decide whether they want to print or email their receipts as they walk out of the lobby. Guests can also drop their room keys prior to departure.

Kiosk, being connected to the hotel administration system, prints the access card to all the areas, including the room and parking space.


CodaFace being extra module lets the kiosk to identify the hotel guests and grant them access to all areas or room that they paid for contractless without a physical access card needed.

1. Enroll

Adding the reference face and generating an Identity ID for them (Identity ID). Convert the face into a binary vector and save that vector in the system - you cannot convert the vector back to the face, so the face images are secure

2. Verify

Generating an embedding vector based on the face for a person with a given identifier.

3. Identify

Authorization to the Codaface SDK using API keys. Download a list of all faces added. Download a list of all vectors specific to a given face.


Smart lock and access points integrations enable guests to skip the front desk entirely getting they access card from the kiosk.

Increased security by strong biometrics authentication.

Kiosk maintenance costs less and is onetime investment.

Simplified checking-in process and serving the reservations with payments.

Upsell opportunities can drive incremental revenue for the hotel.

Kiosk can reduce your environmental footprint by cutting down on paper use.

Onsite technical service. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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